There’s no denying that the security of confidential information, assets, and employees is one of the biggest concerns for businesses of all sizes and types. Now, security isn’t just about installing software systems for protecting the financial and sensitive details of the company. It also includes …
Equipping Articles and Interviews (category)
Equipping articles offer you all the information you need to outfit your small business for success by helping you navigate through all of the “stuff” it takes to run a business. The articles here will help you to keep abreast of current technology and guide you in ways to make your place of work more functional and efficient.
Software Development Best Practices
The global pandemic that has hit the whole world has left a devastating impact on many industries. On the other hand, some industries have not suffered that much and have become even more important. IT is definitely one of those industries that has continued to grow. Software is now pretty much …
What Jobs Can You Do from Home?
The UK economy has always evolved and innovated over time, especially with the rise of freelancers and self-employed workers that reshaped the labor market considerably during the digital age. Over the past few months, many people have lost their jobs or have been encouraged to work from home, which …
Practical Ways to Encourage Social Distancing in Your Small Business
Depending on where you’re located in the U.S. and what your business is, you may have been open for months, or you might just now be reopening. Regardless, social distancing remains important, and it’s likely something we’ll have to implement for the foreseeable future. From window clings and …
Types of Business Insurance Plans that Every Entrepreneur Needs to Purchase
It takes more than just a vision to get your business started. You might have some great ideas, but none of those will take off if you fail to take precautions to safeguard the interest of your business. An entrepreneur has several risks to navigate through since the day he launches his business. …
Necessities for Any Business Trip During COVID-19
Many businesses have been able to survive the trying times of COVID-19, but not without making a myriad of adjustments to the way they operate. To succeed during this pandemic, you will need to have some essential items as your travel for business trips. The following are some of the necessities …