Web applications are a common target for hackers - they’re exposed to the internet and often are designed to protect sensitive data or functionality. This is why practicing good application security is so critical for an organization’s web applications. As many organizations have learned, a single …
Equipping Articles and Interviews (category)
Equipping articles offer you all the information you need to outfit your small business for success by helping you navigate through all of the “stuff” it takes to run a business. The articles here will help you to keep abreast of current technology and guide you in ways to make your place of work more functional and efficient.
5 Software to Improve Communication in Virtual Teams
As more jobs become remote and computer-based, the need for better technology to connect those employees with their team leaders and each other grows. Private and group communication is a critical aspect of just about any business. Instant connectivity and communication can be the difference between …
7 Big Benefits of Using PDF Files for Business
Portable Document Format, which most people know simply as PDF, refers to a file format where text and image documents are presented independent of hardware, software, and operating systems. PDF was developed in the 1990s by Adobe. Over the years, this form of document presentation has continued to …
Personal Protective Equipment Every Factory Owner Should Invest In
Health and safety standards in modern US factories and mines have made exceptional progress, especially compared to how reckless, dangerous, and even deadly working conditions once were inside manufacturing units and mines. This much-needed change was, however, a gradual process, fueled by …
Applications of GPS Tracking for Transport and Logistics Businesses
It’s hard to imagine a technology that’s had a more profound effect on the business world in the last few decades than the Global Positioning System, or GPS. The GPS satellite system made its debut in 1978, when the first NAVSTAR satellite was launched into orbit with the intention of improving the …
Are Extended Auto Warranties on Vehicles Worth the Extra Money?
Whenever you buy a vehicle from a dealer, they inevitably try to add on to your purchase. One of those "add ons" is typically an extended warranty. They can seem like a good deal, and an extended warranty might save you some money when your car requires any repairs, but only if those repairs are …