Money is the primary gauge of your success as a small business owner. If your focus is centered on enhancing your value offering, creating a new value proposition or another component of business aside from money, it is time to partially pivot toward the financial side of the enterprise. Follow …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Looking to Grow Your Business, But on a Budget? Five Tips to Try Today
Life as a small business owner can be extremely difficult at times. Especially for startups, the long working hours, relatively little payoff, and lack of experience can make things seem like they are going nowhere. Furthermore, you may also feel like you might never have enough money to keep your …
How a High-Risk Merchant Account Works
What is a high-risk merchant account? A high-risk merchant account is an account that provides credit card processing for businesses that are deemed to be at higher risk compared to other businesses. Examples of high-risk businesses include firearms dealers, subscription box services, pharmaceutical …
Understanding Cashflow Finance: Complete Guide For Business Owners
Many business owners find cashflow to be a difficult topic. It's not just about the cash in your bank account - it's also how you manage cash flow throughout the year. There are many different ways to use cash, and even more when considering all of the other sources of growth capital that businesses …
Starting Your Own Business: How Much Does It Actually Cost?
When you’re starting your own business, there are numerous factors you’ll need to consider – from the type of goods or services you’ll be offering to who your potential customers will be. However, one of the most significant considerations when starting a business is the costs of doing so. After …
5 Ways to Organize Business Finances
Your management strategies play a significant role in the success of your business. Therefore, you must ensure that you use the best processes when hiring employees, planning your daily activities, and handling your clients. Besides, it would help if you managed your finances properly throughout the …