The concept of cryptocurrency is more than a few decades old, with the earliest iterations of it being conceived in the early 1980s. However, it wasn’t until 2009 when the first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), was launched by a pseudonymous developer. Since then, a large number of other …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
How Are Cryptocurrencies Taxed in Canada?
As the popularity of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum has grown, they have attracted a lot of attention from the media, investors, and the government. Cryptocurrencies are in use in various jurisdictions, but their very nature makes it hard to tax them. This makes it difficult for a lot …
All There Is to Know about RD Tax Credits
The legislation, formerly known as the Research and Experimentation Tax Credit, was included as a temporary provision in the Economic Recovery Tax. Over the previous 40 years, the number of eligible state RD Tax Credits has risen rapidly, and so have the benefits of those credits. The 1981 Act …
Applying for a Car Loan in Singapore: Important Things to Think About
Have you been thinking of buying a car but the money you have is not enough? Well, you do not have to wait any longer because getting to own and drive the car of your dreams in the streets of Singapore is now easy and fast through car financing. This post takes a closer look at car loans in …
Why debt consolidation is a good personal finance strategy
Debt consolidation is a financial management strategy that is becoming increasingly popular all over the US. Indeed, demand for these types of products has become so widespread that a new specialized market has sprung up to meet it. This means that anyone looking to ease their financial woes would …
Top five factors to consider in fundamental analysis
CFD traders should do an analysis of the company fundamentals to know about the value of financial security. Traders always focus on doing technical analysis. For this reason, they can’t make money. But, if they can do the fundamental analysis properly, they might make more money. Traders need to …