Occasionally businesses find themselves on the wrong course. Some organizations just need someone to step in and make significant choices to change direction—whether it's due to a poor strategy, inept staff, or even a number of tiny faults that drag down the whole operation. With that in mind, …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
The Crucial Role of Financial Sector in Economic Growth
The financial sector plays a central part in the functioning of the economy. It works between borrowers and savers. For example, savers deposits their money in banks, creating an opportunity for borrowers to take funds for business, households, etc. The economy runs through coordination with the …
How Are Bitcoin and Crypto Taxed in Europe?
As the popularity of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency continues to expand, so is the EU’s interest in finding ways of regulating the process. Avoiding the new regulations isn’t possible, particularly as Bitcoin traders face steeper penalties for trading without paying their fair share. Whether it’s a …
A Comprehensive Guide to Payday Loans in the United Kingdom
Short payday loans can be a great way to purchase a necessary item that requires a few months of your salary savings. On the other hand, taking out a long-term loan can prove to be an encumbrance if you cannot come up with the repayments each month. Do not take out any kind of short payday loans …
5 Cost-Cutting Techniques Every Business Should Utilize
Running a business is extremely difficult. With the lasting impacts of the pandemic and a lot of uncertainty, it’s now even harder for businesses to succeed than before. As a result, most business owners are looking for ways to slash expenses and save money. They feel like they may end up needing …
6 Overlooked Tax Credits for Small Business Owners
Benjamin Franklin is supposed to have said, "In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." The IRS collected nearly $263.6 billion in income tax, before refunds, from businesses in FY 2020. As a business owner, did you know that you may be leaving thousands of dollars …