Before you agree to borrow money, whether it's in the form of a bank loan, credit card, or you're borrowing money from friends and family, there are some important things you should consider first. Is It a Want or a Need? As the cost of living continues to rise, while wages remain stagnant, it is …
Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Everything You Need to Know about Accepting Payments Globally
If you want to take your business to the next level, you may be starting to think about how you can accept payments globally. This can be a really lucrative business move as you will open yourself up to a whole load of potential customers; however, it’s not as easy as simply offering your products …
5 Ways to Buy Bargains at an Agricultural Auction
Auctions follow one simple rule: the highest bidder always wins. It’s a numbers game where goods go to a person who’s willing to pay top dollar for them. There’s no room for hesitation in an auction; either you go big or go home. Agricultural or farm auctions are no different. Farm owners will do …
A Guide for Gen Z Businesses: Checks
Bank checks are a tried-and-true method of payment, but you’ve likely never come across one. Whereas bank checks were commonplace as little as 20-years ago, more convenient payment methods have made them virtually obsolete. However, you may need to write or deposit a check if you haven’t set up a …
Why You Must Pay Attention to Your Employee’s Payroll
Payroll management can be challenging to achieve efficiently and effectively, yet it is also something that business owners and decision-makers need to take seriously. If you are unconvinced by the importance of the payroll, here are just a few reasons that taking heed of it will save you a lot …
How Small Business Owners Can Use Crypto for Payments
Cryptocurrency payments are becoming increasingly popular among small business owners as bitcoin can connect smaller corporations with the global industry and reduce payment fees. Larger companies are starting to invest in the Bitcoin sector and even go as far as to call it the “future of …