Just as it is with your personal expenses, it is essential to have a budget in place for your small business. A good budget helps you estimate your income and expenses over a period of time – usually a calendar year with a small business –allowing you to make important decisions for your …
Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Going on a Business Shopping Spree with Your Personal Tax Return
According to USA Today, the average 2014 tax refund will be more than $3,000. It’s tempting to use that money to take your family on a nice vacation, splurge on those designer duds you’ve been eyeing, or on some other guilty pleasure. But what if you took that money and invested it into your …
Your Bottom Line is Not Your Client’s Problem
The number one misconception service providers and freelancers need to shake For new business owners, pricing presents one of the earliest and greatest challenges. For independently employed service providers, freelancers and consultants who do not sell a tangible product, the financial demands …
Maximizing Profits
Maximizing the profitability of your business starts with a well-developed, value based pricing strategy. This is done by creating, understanding and quantifying the value that your product brings to the market. While pricing is one of the four components of the marketing mix (product, promotion, …
5 Easy Ways to “Green” Your Small Business
The phrase “going green” has gotten more than its 15-minutes of fame in our culture, but it really boils down to making decisions that help sustain natural resources and help protect the environment. What is great is that by making some of these decisions for your small business, you can save money …
Fiscal Year or Calendar Year? What is Right for Your Small Business?
Business name. Location. Equipment. Logo. Hiring choices. When you launch a small business, you are inundated with decisions and choices to make. One of them you may need to know more about is choosing the tax year for your business. The Internal Revenue Service requires you to operate your …