Brick-and-mortar businesses face a fundamental change to the way they must operate. Why? Because the world has gone digital, and businesses today are being driven by the likes of Amazon and ever-evolving customer shopping behaviors. This has put a massive strain on brick-and-mortar businesses who …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Landlords Don’t Need to Invest in Property Near Where They Live and Here’s Why
The location of a potential investment property always requires extensive consideration and research. Rental returns and capital appreciation are factors that underpin how successful your investment may become in the future. Historically, many landlords and investors would choose property close to …
How Often Should You Be Holding Staff Meetings?
When I worked for the courts, my supervisors held monthly staff meetings to go over any new policies and procedures that had been implemented, provide clarification on issues that had arisen, or address any situations that would have an effect on the office as a whole. However, I also know people …
How to Protect Your Small Business from B2B Scams
When it comes to scams, there’s certainly no shortage of the number of things that some individuals will do to defraud others. Between credit card fraud, identity theft, lottery scams, and every other action that dishonest people take at the expense of innocent victims, you must always be aware of …
3 Important Factors to Consider Before Deciding to Export
Just a few months ago, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker revealed that the United States had reached a record for exporting in 2014—$2.35 trillion to be exact. And, perhaps better yet, this was the fifth year in a row that we’ve continued to raise the bar. [Source: U.S. Department of …
5 Reasons to Introduce Sustainable Packaging in Your Business
Sustainable packaging used to have a lackluster reputation. Most people used to associate sustainable packaging with some kind of thin recycled cardboard that disintegrates the moment it comes into contact with water. With sustainability concerns on the rise, many packaging companies have provided …