It is the stuff of nightmares. An official looking envelope arrives in your mailbox announcing that your small business is going to be audited. Then an austere-looking man wearing a dark suit and holding a briefcase shows up at your office asking to see all your receipts, wanting to look around and …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Should You Create a Nap Area for Your Employees?
When most small business owners think about designing a work space, the last thing that enters their mind is finding a place for employees to rest their head in the middle of the work day. However, with companies like Google and Huffington Post offering nap pods for their employees, it may make you …
Employee Education Strategy: Good Idea or Not?
When running a small business, you need to have a lot of strategies in place in order to achieve higher levels of success. For example, when you create a marketing strategy, it helps you reach your consumer through the best avenues for them. And a product differentiation strategy allows you to make …
Boost Your Productivity, Boost Your Business
This article is one in the multi-part series entitled The Entrepreneurial Mindset. The U.S. Department of Labor just released statistics regarding productivity and costs for the first quarter of 2015 and it doesn’t look good. Among the numbers provided are that, even though labor costs have …
Should You Get a Small Business Coach?
When I first quit my government-paid job and began freelance writing, I connected with a woman who seemed to have her life almost exactly where I wanted mine to be. She worked solely for herself, had been featured by various different reputable entities, and even had her own television show. I …
Top 3 Workplace Trends for the First Half of 2015
As Nathaniel Branden, the late Canadian-American psychologist who specialized in self-esteem once said, “The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” Thus, in order to fully accept the changes in the workplace, one must first understand that they exist. So, what changes …