One of the most stressful parts of being a small business owner can be managing an inconsistent income. Whether it is the weather, the economy, the changing of the seasons or just plain serendipity, your income can be “feast” one month and ”famine” the next. How do you cope with an irregular …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
What to Do With a Negative Review
Anyone running a business knows that customer reviews are golden. Whether the reviews are for specific products or for the business itself, there’s no denying that they guide customers’ decisions. In a perfect world, your customers would always be happy and always leave five-star reviews. At the …
How to Move Your Small Business Forward By Going in Reverse
As a small business owner, you likely spend a majority of your time looking forward as you try to predict future market and trends, attempting to forecast a majority of your expenses and revenue. And certainly, these things are good as they give you the direction in which you want to go. However, if …
How to Schedule Social Media
Once your business commits to maintaining a consistent social media presence, a key piece of the strategy for social media success is determining when to post what. Create a weekly social media schedule to prime the social media pump while promoting engagement and calls to action without creating …
Developing Your Niche: Why You Should and How to Do It
Developing a niche is like doing yoga. Most people are afraid to try it, but once they do they wonder what took them so long to walk into the barely lit room and do a downward dog while exhaling all of their worries away. Niching creates a whole new clarity, and can really make doing business …
Price to Succeed!
Instituting value-based pricing over other common methods, like cost-led and positioning (pricing yourself against your competition), generally has a positive impact on business profits. Why? Because most businesses tend to underestimate their own value, thereby pricing below what they are truly …