Once your business commits to maintaining a consistent social media presence, a key piece of the strategy for social media success is determining when to post what. Create a weekly social media schedule to prime the social media pump while promoting engagement and calls to action without creating …

Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Developing Your Niche: Why You Should and How to Do It
Developing a niche is like doing yoga. Most people are afraid to try it, but once they do they wonder what took them so long to walk into the barely lit room and do a downward dog while exhaling all of their worries away. Niching creates a whole new clarity, and can really make doing business …
Price to Succeed!
Instituting value-based pricing over other common methods, like cost-led and positioning (pricing yourself against your competition), generally has a positive impact on business profits. Why? Because most businesses tend to underestimate their own value, thereby pricing below what they are truly …
8 Easy Steps to Writing an Effective Sales Page
In this day and age, there is a push to make everything shorter. Blogs that used to be in the 800 to 1,000 word range are now generally 500 words (or less). Websites that once contained all of their content on just a couple of pages are now splitting their words to make seven, eight pages, or more, …
How to Keep Social Media from Feeling like a Vortex
One of the biggest challenges to consistent social media use, and by extension, social media success, is the perception that time spent on social media becomes time lost to distraction or to activity that cannot or does not support the real, practical goals of your business. This is a real fear, …
Value for Me and Also for Thee
What is the ultimate goal of any business? What is its purpose? Simple questions, right? To make money. Wrong answer. To be profitable? Wrong again. The goal of any business should be to create value. Making money is a short-sighted answer. Focusing on profits also take a short-sighted approach to …