Professional events are an excellent opportunity to drive visibility and sales, generate more leads, and retain top customers and talent. So, whatever your goals may be, live events are one of the most effective channels to accomplish them and support your road to success. Conferences, trade shows, …
Business Events Articles and Interviews (tag)
4 Mistakes Small Business Owners Must Avoid When Hosting an Event
They say mistakes are essential to the growth of every entrepreneur. That being said, there are certain areas of the business where you want to reduce the number of mistakes you and your employees make as much as possible. Marketing is one of those areas. Consistently making mistakes with your …
Plan the Perfect Event with the Right Facility
Planning the perfect event means creating a seamless experience for guests and staff alike. Whether you're organizing the wedding of the century or a large-scale community event, securing the right facility can make all the difference between an event to remember and one your guests and clients …
Planning a Company Event in San Diego
With its 92 golf courses, 70 miles of beaches, more than 100 neighborhoods that are culturally diverse, 120 meeting hotels, and a vast array of event venues for crowds of up to 30,000 people, anyone in charge of planning a corporate event in San Diego has a lot of options to choose from. Traveling …
Why Event Apps Need to Include a Chat Feature
These days, meetings don’t have to be like blind dates – people can gather information on each other before they meet for the first time, using social media and instant messaging. We’re not talking about online dating: business meetings can work in the same way using event apps. Organizing an …
How to Organize a Corporate Event
These days, it may seem like all business marketing is happening online and like all of it is tech-related. This isn’t really the case and there are still very useful and lucrative marketing techniques that are happening offline. Corporate events are probably the most beneficial and the most complex …