It happened again. Another news story highlighting a pastor's moral failure makes the headlines. This time, it's an alleged cryptocurrency fraud scam from an online "pastor" in Colorado. It's no wonder that since the early 2000s, when the Catholic Priest sex scan hit, the public's trust in the …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
Five Church Budget Goals for 2024
I distinctly remember last year, on New Year's Eve, when my wife and I were traveling home from a wonderful getaway, we set some very specific personal goals for the upcoming year. Throughout the year, there were many times when we wanted to deviate from the plan and do something else, but we would …
Church Budget Basics: The Emergency Fund
One of the many hats I get to wear as the Executive Pastor of Operations is to oversee the benevolence fund. It's a designated fund, meaning it's separate from our operating account, and its sole purpose is to offer one-time assistance to those experiencing financial hardship. Even though it often …
Commonly Overlooked Church Budget Items
In June of 2006, I began my journey in full-time vocational ministry. It was a tumultuous time in our church's history. We had just started the process of navigating uncharted waters as our church fractured and split. Without going into the details, the primary disagreement was over the purpose of …
Church Budget: Who Are You Talking To About Giving?
Here's an interesting fact: the oldest group of people in the millennial generation are heading toward their mid-40s. Even those on the younger end of the spectrum are almost 30. As much as Boomers want to think of that generation as kids, that's simply not true anymore. Millennials are filling in …
Church Budget Basics: How to Create A Sinking Fund
Operating a church, especially one with a facility, is becoming increasingly difficult in today's complex economic climate. Many churches are finding that attendance did not return to pre-pandemic levels and, as a result, are experiencing decreased donations. On top of decreased donations lies the …