As a small business owner you probably already use sales and marketing techniques to find new customers, but did you know that you can use networking to create a new source of incoming work? When done consistently, small business networking can help you locate new customers and kickstart …
Events Articles and Interviews (tag)
4 Mistakes Small Business Owners Must Avoid When Hosting an Event
They say mistakes are essential to the growth of every entrepreneur. That being said, there are certain areas of the business where you want to reduce the number of mistakes you and your employees make as much as possible. Marketing is one of those areas. Consistently making mistakes with your …
4 Effective Marketing Strategies for Local Businesses
Local businesses depend on effective marketing strategies to attract clients and expand their client base. Here are four marketing strategies you should consider implementing today to increase your business's reach and revenue. Send Out Cards While this marketing strategy may seem old-fashioned, …
7 Tips for Planning a Memorable Small Business Event
Memorable small business events don’t just happen. In fact, if you want people to remember your event, you have to put a lot of time and effort into it. On the other hand, mess it up and it could have terrible repercussions for your company. With that said, it’s obvious that you need to do …
Plan the Perfect Event with the Right Facility
Planning the perfect event means creating a seamless experience for guests and staff alike. Whether you're organizing the wedding of the century or a large-scale community event, securing the right facility can make all the difference between an event to remember and one your guests and clients …
How to Market Your Brand
A company needs to find its brand early on. It’s what will set it apart from the competitors and make it recognizable to its clients and customers. Even though it seems like an abstract process, it’s actually rather important when it comes to making your mark on the market and creating a customer …