I am a pretty fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of business person. While I have some general idea of which way I want to go professionally and I continue to take steps to get there, I largely follow the flow of what feels right at the moment. For instance, when I first went into writing, I …
Goal Setting Articles and Interviews (tag)
How to Reach Your Small Business Goals and Have Fun Too
Reaching higher levels of business success typically means making a lot of sacrifices to get there. If you’re like most small business owners, you know what it is like to give up time spent relaxing with family and friends because you’re putting in 10, 12, and 16 hour days. You also understand what …
Gearing up Your Small Business for Fall
We tend to think of New Year’s Eve as the time to ring out the old and bring in the new, but fall can be a new beginning for your small business. Many of us tend to shift into a lower gear during the summer, and that’s a good thing. We all need time to slow down. With the kids going back to …
How to Develop the Mindset to Actually Reach Your Small Business Goals
This article is one in the multi-part series entitled The Entrepreneurial Mindset. When it comes to reaching your small business goals, a number of viable options exist. And most of them consist of some sort of step-by-step procedure that requires that you write your goals down in black and white …
Should You Get a Small Business Coach?
When I first quit my government-paid job and began freelance writing, I connected with a woman who seemed to have her life almost exactly where I wanted mine to be. She worked solely for herself, had been featured by various different reputable entities, and even had her own television show. I …
Dealing With Doubt
Whether or not we like to admit it, we all have a voice in the back of our heads. On some days, it’s an encouraging voice that pushes us forward and drives us to take risks. On other days, it’s a seemingly endless stream of negativity that tells us we should quit whatever we’re working on. As an …