No matter what type of relationship you are trying to build, trust is at the core and becomes central to the association very quickly. When money is involved, as with an investment or financial advisor, a single moment of broken trust can wipe out years of savings and planning. With the inherent …
Investing Articles and Interviews (tag)
A Complete and Comprehensive Guide on Penny Stocks and Their Trading
Penny stocks are essentially low priced shares. Some restrict the categorization to a literal threshold to only include stocks whose cost is in pennies only, while the more commonly accepted definition includes stocks whose shares are priced at $5 or below. The name stems from the fact that, …
Becoming a Successful Forex Trader: Key Factors to Consider
Forex trading is steadily becoming more and more popular with each passing year. Not only is this way of trading very easy, but it is also exciting, accessible and even educational. This form of trading is excellent for anyone looking to join the trading market who’s willing to learn and quickly …
Broker or Trader: Which Career Is Right for You?
When it comes to a career in the investment market, there are two directions that you, as an individual, can take. You can either take a career path of a broker or one of a trader. For people from outside of the industry, these two may sound quite similar but the differences are too numerous to …
The Reason You Win or Lose In the Stock Market
The stock market is truly a gamble. It's similar to a large casino, but with more sure, educated bets. People invest in stocks based on information and research. Investors place their clients' money in investments and mutual funds based on past performance and the stability of the funds. But what …
7 Great Business Ideas to Invest Your Money In
The business universe is huge and it offers creative individuals countless investment opportunities. The number of options grows bigger every day thanks to digital technologies and new communication channels. However, that doesn’t mean that finding a feasible business idea is easy. Many …