Most businesses incur credit card processing fees, but that doesn't mean you have to break the bank. Merchants, with knowledge of how these fees work and the strategies they can use to reduce them, can save a great deal of money. Whether a small business or a large operation, being in control of …
Payment Processing Articles and Interviews (tag)
How to Choose the Best Credit Card Scanner Apps for Your Business
The ability to accept mobile payment is increasingly essential for any business. Businesses can process credit card payments faster and more efficiently than ever, with fewer lines and minimal human error risks. They can provide an easier experience for their customers through easier and faster …
How to Determine the Best Payment Solutions for Your Business
The success of your business can be greatly affected by the payment methods you use in today's dynamic business environment. Whether you're leading a brand new company or an established one, the payment process is critical to the success of both in terms of customer happiness and operational …
Choosing a Gateway for Accepting Payments in the Online Store
E-commerce continues to grow rapidly in the retail sector. Since the base of potential buyers is ready to pay, our task is to provide all possible payment methods in the online store. So, as a seller, you must be sure that you have provided the consumer with all possible payment methods. A …
How a High-Risk Merchant Account Works
What is a high-risk merchant account? A high-risk merchant account is an account that provides credit card processing for businesses that are deemed to be at higher risk compared to other businesses. Examples of high-risk businesses include firearms dealers, subscription box services, pharmaceutical …
How Does the Cash Discount Program Work?
When you open a business, you want to make it easy for your customers to pay you. You want to take credit cards, but the fees can be a bit overwhelming. There are ways to avoid getting excessive credit card processing fees while still giving your customers an easy way to pay you. One thing you can …