Although the phrase “retail security” may conjure up images of deterring shoplifters, there is often a whole lot more to it than stopping criminals. Vandalism and insurance scams in the form of fake accidents may also be issues to your store. In addition to this, retailers also have to think about …
Security Articles and Interviews (tag)
Formjacking Attacks Cause Most Web-Related Data Breaches
Web applications are a common target for hackers - they’re exposed to the internet and often are designed to protect sensitive data or functionality. This is why practicing good application security is so critical for an organization’s web applications. As many organizations have learned, a single …
Tips for Keeping Your Commercial Premises Secure
These days, cybersecurity is often front and center in the media, both in the mainstream press and in trade publications. Good cybersecurity, however, starts with good physical security. There’s no point in securing your computers against hackers if an intruder can physically enter your premises …
How Small Businesses Can Improve Their Security for Free
Cyber-criminals are constantly hungry for valuable personal data. They can infiltrate databases and steal sensitive information, like customer details, employee records, credit card numbers, corporate secrets, and software codes. This can be damaging for businesses of any size, but for small …
4 Simple Personal Safety Tips for the At-Home Entrepreneur
Between the years of 2000 and 2017, the largest number of active shooter incidents (42 percent) occurred at places of business according to data provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Of these 105 business-based shootings during this time frame, 65 happened at businesses open to …
How to Protect Your Business from Money Laundering
Small businesses may feel that they are unlikely to be targeted by criminals of any form for the simple reason that they are small and hence offer small pickings to criminals. While this attitude does have certain logic to it, the truth is that small businesses can be easy pickings and are therefore …