The job market is suffering from a chronic quitting spree economists and historians have dubbed the “Great Resignation.” Now more than ever, people voluntarily leave their jobs to pursue something completely new. Sometimes, these opportunities are with other companies, but often, these workers …
Starting a Business Articles and Interviews (tag)
A Guide to Starting Your Own Business
Everyone dreams of having their own successful business. However, only a few ever get to see their ideas become a reality and even fewer end up reaching the places they want to reach. If you want to start your own business, there are several things that you need to get taken care of …
The 5 Essential Steps to Starting a Successful Business
Starting your own business can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it's important to remember that it's not always going to be easy. There are a lot of things you need to do in order to make your business successful, and if you're not prepared for it then you're likely to fail. In this blog …
Is it Better to Start Your Own Business or Buy an Existing One?
According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 90% of new businesses fail within the first year. These figures show how difficult it is to set up a business from scratch. However, whether you decide to start your own company or purchase an existing one, each alternative has its own set …
How to Start a Direct Selling Business
You’ve done the research, and now you’re ready to take the first steps to start a direct selling business. The idea is becoming more mainstream as the industry experiences year-over-year growth, and there are more reputable companies than ever to partner with as you fulfill your vision of …
Starting a Company? Avoid These Pitfalls
Are you excited about becoming an entrepreneur but a bit hesitant about some of the risks and potential pitfalls? Everyone has doubts before beginning a new venture. Fortunately, the standard errors and hazards of opening a business are known dangers, which means you can usually avoid them if you …