These days it is more important than ever to have an online presence for your business. You may be providing legal services or be a freelance graphic designer or something entirely different, but no matter what services you provide or what you are selling your potential customers will no doubt look for you online first.
In the case of Gorilla Gasket, they sell, as you can probably guess, gaskets. However, they sell them online and have proven that a manufacturing business can use e-commerce in harmony with their factory production to make a successful business.
How have they become so good at selling their products online and is this something that can be transferred to yours and other businesses?
Who is Gorilla Gasket?
First of all, Gorilla Gasket is not a large corporation but instead, they are a family-owned and run, small business. They decided that combining both manufacturing and distribution together under one roof meant that quality never has to be compromised.
By using the internet and ecommerce to receive orders online and make sales they can serve not only New Mexico where they are based, but also the rest of the world.
What are gaskets used for?
Gaskets may not sound very exciting, but they are vital for many industries, machinery, and vehicles too. Without a head gasket, your car wouldn’t run very well the engine will overheat and you could potentially cause catastrophic damage to it.
Gaskets are very simple but important things and they effectively create two objects under compression. The head gasket in your car for instance is vital to making it run. It separates the oil from the coolant and also seals the combustion chamber. This lets the engine build up pressure so that you can then move forward, or backward as it happens. The gasket also seals in all the fumes that are then funneled down through the exhaust pipe.
What industries use these gaskets?
In the case of Gorilla Gasket, many of their products are used in the oil, gas, power, and refining industries and also in mining. Gaskets are used across many areas and if you look in your home there is very likely to be a fairly large one right in front of you. Open the washing machine door and see that rubber seal that keeps the water from flowing out, that is another type of gasket.
Gaskets are used across manufacturing, machinery, the automobile industry, they are used in fuel tanks, pipes, and boilers. In fact, they are used anywhere where it is important to stop fluids or gases leaking, and from preventing two substances from mixing together such as oil and coolant.
What are they made from?
They can be made from a huge variety of materials and these days you can get neoprene gaskets which are ideal for the industries that Gorilla Gasket supply as this material is resistant to flames, ozone, heat, chemicals, and water. They can also come in rubber, graphite, cork, and PTFE among other materials.
How did Gorilla Gasket become successful online?
Firstly, the company worked at building excellent working relationships with their suppliers, clients, and customers. This is a key area for any business. Building trust with your suppliers and customers means you receive great service and build brand loyalty.
All companies need to have a strategy and a vision when they start. Gorilla Gasket set their goal as being the market’s leading supplier. They pride themselves on meeting the highest standards of quality because the industries they supply demand this and anything less could be disastrous to their reputation.
Embracing new technology
One area that any company needs to be aware of if they are to be successful in keeping up with new technology. Change for change’s sake is pointless but any company with its eye on the future will be aware of changes in manufacturing techniques, new software, or even changes in how Google ranks websites.
Failure to keep up with new ideas and techniques can mean your competitors jumping ahead and then you find yourself in the unenviable position of playing catch up. Gorilla Gasket are a good example of a company that has been aware of the changes happening around them and decided to keep up with the latest materials and sealing solutions technology.
Digital marketing
Gorilla Gasket embraces digital marketing as they realized early on that they would be aiming for a large portion of their sales coming from the internet. Some tips for online marketing for your business include using social media, providing relevant content on your website, and the best use of keywords. Advertising on Facebook and other industry websites can help market your brand to a targeted audience also.
They have followed some of the rules of search engine optimization by making sure their content is relevant and the images apply to their products and their website loads quickly and functions properly. Your company can improve by optimizing key areas of your website and online shop, adding long-form content, and by earning quality backlinks to enhance the site’s reputation.
Ecommerce is the term used for transactions done electronically, across the internet. This accounts for sales and purchase and by utilizing the world wide web a company can reach customers anywhere on the planet. This is something that all businesses using the internet should consider when looking to expand.
There are some companies who are better suited to local areas, but any retail business could consider expanding their shipping to more countries. Worldwide online retail accounted for $3.5 trillion in 2019 and that number is expected to almost double by the end of 2022. This is a huge growth area and anyone selling online needs to know how to take their share of that source of revenue.
Can your company follow this path?
If you wanted to try and emulate Gorilla Gasket’s success then you need to know how to successfully outrank your competitors online and how to convert visitors into actual sales.
This is only part of the battle. One of the main reasons companies like this continue to thrive is that they have return customers. Gorilla Gasket has a policy of pushing orders through for customers in a very speedy manner. They make custom products so that there is no request that cannot be handled. They use a range of materials including eco-friendly materials like cork as well as non-asbestos gaskets for better health and safety.
Quality of customer service
Finally, one area that successful companies like Gorilla Gasket excel in is customer service. It may be because they are family-owned, it might be because they are a small business, or it may just be that they treat customers and clients as if they are all important.
Whatever the reasons, companies these days must provide the highest level of customer service to become successful and more importantly stay that way. It isn’t enough just to rise to the top. You need to keep striving to stay there too.
Through a combination of years of experience, knowledge, and new technology Gorillia Gasket has discovered what works best, and therefore they have kept their customers and clients happy and loyal to their brand.
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