Regardless of what business you are in, there’s a good chance that presentations play a significant role in how you share information internally and attract new clients or customers.
Getting a group of people together, either in person or online, and having someone take the group step-by-step through complex information about new products and services may not be a particularly high-tech approach to knowledge dissemination, but it is a time-tested way of getting results in business.
While presentations may once have consisted of a person simply sharing information with their colleagues, the incorporation of PowerPoint slides, video, and custom graphics are now standard in most industries. So, what is the best way to take advantage of these communication tools, and how can you make sure that the presentations your company is giving are really delivering the goods?
The Challenge of Modern Business Presentations
There is a common idea that attention spans have grown increasingly shorter over the past couple of generations, and that the average adult can’t really follow a presentation that is longer than 10-15 minutes. But research suggests that the picture is, in fact, more complicated: the length of a person’s attention span depends in part on what they are being asked to pay attention to — people have no trouble watching a three-hour Marvel film, after all.
This means that business presentations need to be structured in such a way as to keep the audience engaged with the material, and in a media-saturated culture such as ours, this means strategically integrating technology to keep the audience interested.
To do this, it is often necessary to bring on professional presentation design firms who understand the dynamic possibilities of presentations and presentation software.
How Professional Presentation Designers Approach the Problem
Given how much is often at stake in workplace presentations and pitch meetings, a specialist industry has developed to help business people design their slideshows for maximum impact.
Starting at the very beginning of the design process, a presentation design agency like Stinson Design will help you craft the raw data you need to communicate into a narrative that will create tension and give your audience a sense of investment in the topic.
Once the story has been developed, they will use sophisticated digital tools to add texture and depth to your words through:
- Slide design
- Custom illustrations
- Photo sourcing
- Infographics
- Demo videos
- Explainer videos
These features don’t simply help you communicate your ideas as simply and effectively as possible, they also help keep the presentation visually interesting and emotionally resonant.
For example, if you are introducing a new product and need to explain how it functions, it’s easy to get bogged down in explanations of different aspects and features of the design. A stimulating demo video can communicate in a matter of seconds what it could take minutes to get through, and will make the whole process much more intuitive and enjoyable. This, in turn, makes it a lot easier to focus on the big picture: telling a story about who is going to benefit from the product and why it will be a success.
Finally, investing in a visually coherent, seamless, and aesthetically-pleasing presentation will, on a subliminal level, showcase that you take your work seriously and have put the effort into making it easy for others to understand.
For all these reasons, companies that want to compete at the highest levels should consider getting help from PowerPoint experts who can help them craft gripping narratives that will command the attention of customers, clients, and investors who can help them grow.
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