When you’re in business, you know that SEO is vital for the proper functioning of your company. When you employ sound practices, you increase the online visibility of your enterprise and drive traffic to your website, thereby improving your exposure in the market. When you are more visible online, it sends the message to all potential customers that you’re an authority in your field, trustworthy, and offer high-quality products or services. This is very important when looking to increase brand engagement, build a loyal clientele, and expand your business.
Link building is a vital aspect of SEO. Using this practice appropriately gives your business a higher likelihood of thriving by increasing your ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). If you want to learn more about link building and how it helps your business succeed, take a look at the following.
What is Link Building?
In simple terms, link building refers to acquiring and using the hyperlinks of other websites to boost engagement for your own website. You enable visitors to your web page to access more sites and get more information when you do this. As a general rule, it is advisable to choose high-quality backlinks, as they offer authority to your website and increase the perception of professionalism. Using these links makes you more authoritative in your branch, which is always a great idea to build up your online presence. If you’re in the startup phase of your enterprise, it’s essential to gain visibility fast, but it can also prove challenging due to your newcomer status. That’s precisely where link building lends a much needed helping hand. Because of its great importance to solid marketing, starting this process sooner rather than later is better, as building your reputation is a steady process.
How Does it Help?
There are many ways in which link building helps your business thrive, particularly in sales and marketing. Some of them include:
- Increasing web traffic is vital for attracting audiences to your online pages, many of whom can become potential customers if your site is correctly optimized. When you grow website traffic, you generate qualified leads, meaning you stand a higher chance of selling your products, which creates revenue and expands your presence on the market.
- Decreasing bounce rate. The bounce rate is the number of website visitors that don’t take any actions on your site, whether clicking a link or making a purchase. When your link building practices are solid, there’s a higher chance you can bypass this phenomenon in more cases. This is especially important if you have a bounce rate that’s above-average levels, which signals that your page has content or layout issues. When you use link building, you make it easier for visitors to access information easier, which in turn means they’ll spend more time on your website, contributing to a reduced bounce rate.
- Expanding to new markets. Developing visibility means that you’re more likely to reach out to possible clients from a wide range of geographical spaces. Worldwide, people are connected by the internet, so businesses are no longer bound and limited by concerns about the physical space in which their headquarters operate. If you think what you’re selling has the potential to become very popular in a country on the other side of the world, then link building is one of the first steps to achieving that.
- Standing out. Every business owner wants to give their company the highest chance of success. Becoming a market leader is perhaps the highest marker of having achieved that. If you dominate searching trends in your field, you’ll definitely see your sales improve and surpass those of your competitors. Similarly, it can also make it more likely for you to collaborate with other brands to develop new products. And, perhaps most importantly, you’ll get to expand your clientele. Customers are invariably more likely to trust authority brands than those they can barely find any info about.
How Do You Achieve It?
From what you’ve read so far, it can seem like link building is incredibly easy, and anyone could do it. However, the truth is that it’s a bit more complicated to get it right. If you feel confident you can do it all by yourself, you can give it a try, but the most advisable course of action is to hire the services of a link building agency. When you opt for their services, you won’t have to go through possible trial and error and learn from your mistakes because they’ll get it right from the first try. You’ll get insights into the proceedings and results as they work with you as partners. They’ll also provide high-quality backlinking, so you’ll get as many relevant links as possible to help your company.
Their link building services also include PR campaigns, with press releases that are catchy and engaging, even more so due to their network of 40.000 journalists. They are also experts at tiered link building, a practice where you create backlinks for already existing backlinks. This is particularly important if you’re looking to use viral keywords, as you’re likely to experience fierce competition by using them. When you keep all this in mind, it becomes clear that if you want to give your website the best shot at success, you should get the help of professionals.
Creating a Business Network
When developing a link-building plan, you should also look to fostering a relationship with others in your industry. To get the necessary links, you’ll need to establish connections with authority figures both in your niche and adjacent to it. Likewise, it’s also good to have business relationships with journalists and media outlets as they’re constantly seeking resources. If your content is strong, they can provide hyperlinks to your website for their readers to access.
Developing durable link building practices takes time, and it’s a constant work in progress, as just because you’ve reached success doesn’t mean you should drop your guard. It is perhaps one of the most important marketing strategies you can use, and its results are never far away if you show perseverance.
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