Pre-employment tests are an integral part of the employee screening process. They save companies money by simplifying the screening process, and also save them time later down the road, since not all applicants will receive a second-round interview. Pre-employment tests range from tests of cognitive abilities to technical skills to emotional intelligence.
It’s important to know what to expect for each. But why? 65% of employers are looking for good problem-solving skills, while 46% of employers look for strong analytical skills. Pre-employment testing helps them look for those skills more accurately. Read on and find out what several human resources professionals have to say about pre-employment tests and how prospective employees can stand out during one.
Brush Up on Your Technical Skills
“Make an effort to brush up on your technical knowledge for the job. These pre-employment tests are like the first line of defense of recruiters before candidates can swarm into their hiring pipeline and pool. Give your best foot forward in these tests and you’ll make a good first impression. If you don’t do well, you’ll immediately fall out of the recruitment process and you won’t be getting a second chance, regardless if you have an impressive resumé or not.”
-Kasper Dam, CEO & Founder Kand.Io
Take a Deep Breath and Remain Calm
“Psychological testing (including personality tests and mental ability tests) can predict which applicants will perform the best in a particular role and can also identify job-related skills and attitudes often harder to identify in an interview setting. It’s vital for any candidate taking a test that they relax and remain calm, as nervousness can affect performance and not accurately reflect someone’s true personality or abilities. Candidates can reduce their stress levels by getting a good night’s sleep beforehand, arriving for the test with plenty of time to spare, making sure they’re well hydrated and not hungry, and remaining positive at all times.”
-Fiona Kay, Marketing Executive Nigel Wright
Familiarize Yourself with the Test
“Employers have a myriad of pre-employment tests at their disposal, but the three main types are personality, aptitude, and skills. Knowing which one you’re taking in advance is crucial. Personality tests don’t require much preparation at all – just be yourself. Aptitude tests measure critical thinking, problem-solving, and ability to learn and use new information. Lastly, skills tests measure your technical knowledge so employers have proof of what you know. Prepping for skills tests should include a quick review of the programs you’re proficient in.”
And What About HR Professionals?
“Employment screening should be the easiest part of an HR professional’s job. They should not have to worry about doing a lot of data-entry or printing, scanning and uploading documents when initiating background checks. Furthermore, they should not have to act as the middleman between the candidate and their background check company. With Info Cubic’s applicant portal feature there is very limited data-entry and the entire process is paperless and mobile-friendly for the applicants.”
-Dan Mayer, Executive VP Info Cubic
You can also look for employment screening solutions that include drug and health screening, background screening, employment eligibility, and applicant experience screening. Don’t let complicated screening software disrupt your hiring process!
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