One of the most important aspects of hiring new team members, is interviewing them effectively. While most people have experience being interviewed, not everyone necessarily knows how to conduct an interview. Because of this, preparation is key. Make sure you understand exactly what you need to know and what questions you need to ask before you make a hiring decision. Even if the hiring process takes a little extra time and patience now, it will be worth it. After all, hiring a dud will be more costly down the line.
Create a List of Questions
Before you start interviewing potential candidates, make sure you create a thorough list of questions you need to have answered. For example, ask candidates about salary expectations, previous work experience, and availability once hired. It’s vital that you develop an understanding of what each candidate can offer, as this will help you determine which applicant has the most experience and is the best qualified for the position. Pick questions that are designed to explore a candidate’s personality traits, motivations, job qualifications, and, of course, their skills.
Related: Questions to Ask an Interviewee
Review Each Candidate’s Resume
It’s important to prepare for each interview as thoroughly as possible. Never just waltz into an interview without first reviewing the resumes of your chosen candidates. You can learn a lot about a person by reading their resume, including their previous work experience, their personal history, and their educational background. Check the volunteer section to see where they’ve done volunteer work and don’t skip the awards section, as this can give you some insight into special skills the candidates may hold. Use the resume as inspiration for guiding the interview. If you really want to get to know your candidate, look at their resume and find what they are passionate about, then talk with them about that topic during the interview. Many candidates are more nervous than they appear, and talking to them about their passions will not only get them to relax, but it will help you understand them better.
Related: 5 Resume Review Strategies for Finding the Best Person for the Job
Choose Your Wording Carefully
When you conduct an interview, it’s important that you choose your wording carefully. Precise wording is vital, as you don’t want to lead the candidate toward answering in a specific way. Be careful not to telegraph the desired answers to questions during the interview process. Instead, ask a poignant question and wait for the candidate to answer it to the best of their ability. You don’t have to lead them or press them to answer in a specific way, and you shouldn’t. By allowing candidates to answer truthfully and without prompting, you’ll get a clear understanding of whether they are right for the position or not.
Related: 4 Common Mistakes Interviewers Make
Whether you’re hiring a single candidate, or a group of team members, make sure you prepare as much as possible before you begin interviewing applicants for the job. While conducting interviews may be a lengthy process, it’s an important part of ensuring you find the right candidate for the job. When you take the time to carefully evaluate someone’s skills, qualifications, and background, you’ll be more likely to choose a valuable team member you can count on to do the best job.
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