If you watch the news or listen to political candidates talk, you could probably make the assumption that manufacturing in the United States was all but dead. While it’s true that manufacturing has not seen the growth that other countries like China or India have seen, manufacturing is still alive and well in the United States.
According to this article published in July 2018, the United States produces 18.2 percent of the world’s manufactured goods, which is still ahead of China at 17.6 percent. In 2016, it accounted for 11.7 percent of the country’s economic output, and manufactured goods make up half of all U.S. exports. Manufacturing employs 12.5 million people in the United States (8.5 percent of the workforce).
Higher wage demands and federal regulations have driven many manufacturing companies overseas, but as wages continue to evolve in developing countries, some manufacturing jobs are starting to return to the United States. Recent tax cuts for manufacturers are also helping keep them competitive in the global market. It remains to be seen how recently renegotiated trade deals will affect manufacturing in the United States.
What Industries Are Included in the Manufacturing Statistics?
If the U.S. manufacturing numbers cited above seem high to you, it might be because of what those numbers include. They don’t just include large plants, factories, and mills producing goods in mass quantities, like you might assume. Manufacturing also includes companies like bakeries, custom tailors, and other small specialty manufacturing companies—basically, any company that takes raw materials and turns them into new products.
Despite what you may have heard, the United States is still a great place to own and operate a manufacturing business. One small manufacturing company, CBR Bearing, has been making high-quality bearings in the United States for more than 20 years, and their business is growing and thriving. Their California facility houses a bearing lab and machine shop, as well as administrative and shipping offices. And even though all of the company’s work is done stateside, they are still able to keep their prices competitive. Even their customer service and customer support is handled stateside. Conducting all of their business operations from one location allows them to run efficiently, and also provide their customers with very fast turnaround times on the specialty bearings they need.
Charlie Rowlett, founder of CBR Bearing says, “We are proud to be a part of the U.S. manufacturing industry and will continue to strive to impress our customers with our high-quality ceramic hybrid bearings, competitive prices, fast turnaround times, and top-notch customer service. From our vantage point, the manufacturing industry here in the United States is very strong, and we are very hopeful that our company will see continued growth.”
CBR’s ceramic hybrid bearings are used mainly in industrial electric motors, as well as in motorcycle and kart racing engines. To learn more about CBR, or about ceramic hybrid bearings in general, visit their company’s website.
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