Starting your own brokerage isn't a simple task, but with the right tools and plan, there's no telling how far you can go. The following are a few tips that should help your brokerage firm take steps forward. Education Is a Must Before anything else, you need to make time to educate yourself. …
Entrepreneuring Articles and Interviews (category)
As an entrepreneur, you most likely wear many hats in your day-to-day work. Figuring out how to juggle all of the tasks you have to do, while still maintaining a life outside of work can be a challenge. Entrepreneuring articles focus on you, the entrepreneur, and how you can strengthen your areas of weakness when it comes to business and keeping a healthy work-life balance.
These Careers Could Lead to Successful Small Business Ventures
Ever since you were a kid playing “shop” with your buddies, you’ve dreamed of having your own small business, but as an adult, the idea remains unformed. You left the shop idea behind when you turned 13, and now you’re wondering what fields could give you good returns if you were to embark on your …
5 Skills You Should Learn in 2020
In the past several months, more people have embraced learning as a productive, rewarding way to enrich their time and their overall lives. With the pandemic in full swing across the globe, online education has become the pillar of self-care, professional as well as personal growth, and a way to …
How to Win the Negotiation Tug-Of-War as a Freelancer
If you didn't know already, payment negotiations are an invisibly listed responsibility for any freelancing work. Many indie artists (we're calling all freelancers artists because they are) start freelancing but have no idea about how to tactfully get the price they want from their clients. We’re …
What Are a Startup’s Biggest Challenges and How Do You Deal with Them?
Entrepreneurship is on the rise as starting your own business isn’t as hard as it used to be; with a resourceful market, available funding opportunities, and the internet –nothing is stopping you from venturing into your business idea and beginning your startup. However, having your own startup …
4 Ways to Make Managing Your Business Easier
As the lockdown restrictions are eased, more businesses will be opening up and new businesses will be launched. So, whether you're an existing business owner or a hopeful entrepreneur, your managing strategy will play a significant role in determining how well your business performs. These tips can …