When I switched careers from law enforcement to writing, I felt completely out of my comfort zone. And when I moved from the east coast to the west, I was outside of my comfort zone there too. Since I did both at the same time, the word “comfort” wasn’t even in my vocabulary, as every aspect of my …

Entrepreneuring Articles and Interviews (category)
As an entrepreneur, you most likely wear many hats in your day-to-day work. Figuring out how to juggle all of the tasks you have to do, while still maintaining a life outside of work can be a challenge. Entrepreneuring articles focus on you, the entrepreneur, and how you can strengthen your areas of weakness when it comes to business and keeping a healthy work-life balance.
A Passion for Quality: 5 Questions with Kristy Romero, Professional Photographer
Kristy Romero is the owner of Inspirations Photography in Murrieta, California. Being in the photography is difficult these days. With the ready availability of digital cameras, the industry is crowded with individuals and businesses vying for the same customers. Kristy's focus on quality and …
5 Questions with Liselle DeGrave, Owner of DeGrave Communications
Liselle DeGrave loved her career in public relations, but also wanted to be home with her children. So she did what so many entrepreneurs have done--she left her job to start her own business as a freelancer. Liselle shares some of the lessons she's learned about running her business, DeGrave …
Steps for Launching a Home-based Baking Business
Does this scenario sound familiar? It is a birthday party or a holiday celebration. You bring out your special cake or cookies and everyone begins raving. “These are so good. You should open your own bakery,” everyone coos as they sneak seconds. It’s true that many successful bakeries started out …
6 Common Sources of Stress for Small Business Owners And How to Deal With Them
Research published in the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing confirms that entrepreneurs have extremely high amounts of work-related stress due largely to the fact that they “bear personal responsibility for the success and survival of their firms.” Of course, as a small business …
You Are Finally Making a Profit, Now What Should You Do With It?
When you start a business, your goal is to begin turning a profit as soon as possible, and then to grow that profit as much as you can. That's a fundamental element of capitalism. But there is a story about a dog who chased cars every day until one of them crashed in a ditch. The dog ran to the …