Running a successful business, of any size, means managing your workflow properly. This, more often than not, is easier said than done. Workflow, when it is truly effective, is like a well-oiled machine that keeps everything functioning smoothly and without hiccups. If workflow is not properly …
Equipping Articles and Interviews (category)
Equipping articles offer you all the information you need to outfit your small business for success by helping you navigate through all of the “stuff” it takes to run a business. The articles here will help you to keep abreast of current technology and guide you in ways to make your place of work more functional and efficient.
There are Some Things New Technology Can’t Replace
In today’s new digital world, new technology being introduced is replacing our existing tools and changing the way we conduct business. In many ways, this is a good thing, since we no longer have to use as much paper as we previously did, keeping many trees from being cut down. However, all the …
5 Things You Should Know If You Use Your Car for Business
There are many types of work out there that require people to use their vehicles for part or all of the time. A couple of examples include those who travel regularly to meet with clients, vendors, or other business associates, and people who work for ride sharing services such as Uber and …
Could Your Small Business Benefit From an App?
Statista reports that over 179 million mobile apps were downloaded in 2015. That number is expected to increase to more than 224 million downloads this year, and that’s before rising even more in 2017 to almost 269 million downloads in the course of a mere 12 months. That’s almost 737,000 downloads …
Reasons Why a Robust Database Is a Must for the Success of Your Small Business
Small businesses are used to handling sales, marketing, filing, and even back office on their own. More often than not, small businesses are one-man shows and they rely on a file cabinet and Excel spreadsheets to keep track of their clients. But many small business owners are realizing the …
Equipment Modernization: When and Why You Should Modernize
Equipment, like everything else begins to deteriorate over a period. As it nears its expiration date, its systems change, and it can no longer be reliable and safe for the workers using it. You can either choose to sell used machinery, buy new equipment, or consider modernization of your equipment …