Which desk is a more efficient workspace: one covered with papers, photos and files in random, four-foot stacks, or one that has all documents properly labeled and filed into color-coded folders in one tidy drawer? Most likely, it’s the second desk. Disorganized, misplaced information—no matter the …

Equipping Articles and Interviews (category)
Equipping articles offer you all the information you need to outfit your small business for success by helping you navigate through all of the “stuff” it takes to run a business. The articles here will help you to keep abreast of current technology and guide you in ways to make your place of work more functional and efficient.
Is Your Small Business Ready for an Emergency?
In the different parts of the country I have lived, the natural disaster risk has varied along with the geography. On the East Coast, where I grew up, there was the threat of hurricanes. In the Midwest, where I moved after college, tornado warnings were a frequent reality. Now, I live in the …
Online Communities: An Interview with Katie Bapple and Joshua Paul of Socious
Private online communities are becoming increasingly popular with businesses both large and small who are seeking better engagement with customers and clients. In this interview, Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart talks with Katie Bapple and Joshua Paul, executives at Socious and co-authors of …
How to Choose a Commercial Property for Your Business: An Infographic
Choosing the right commercial space is a huge endeavor for any small business. You want the perfect location, with adequate space, and of course, at a price that won't break the bank. The infographic below, submitted by John Harrison of Hones Lawyers, is a helpful tool that simplifies the commercial …
4 Free Resources That Can Help You Run Your Small Business
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to running my business, I try to cut costs wherever I can. Sure, there are some areas where this isn’t possible (and I never sacrifice quality), but if I’m offered something at no cost to me that could help me become more efficient or effective, far be it …
What is a Smart Safe And How Your Business Can Benefit From One
Does your business handle cash? If it does, there’s good news. Cash is still king. And it's likely to remain that way for decades—despite the buzz about digital payments. So you shouldn’t have to make sweeping changes in how customers pay you any time in the near future. Why will cash remain …