There's a fine line between managing and micromanaging. On one side is a manager who provides clear direction and allows employees to work autonomously. On the other side is a micromanager who dictates every little detail and insists on being involved in everything. Neither approach is ideal as …

Leading Articles and Interviews (category)
When it comes to running a small business, leadership is of the utmost importance. Employees look to you for guidance and to set the tone for your company. Learn more about what it means to be an effective leader with the articles in this section, which cover topics such as employee management, hiring and firing, and team building.
Company Culture: What Is It and How Can You Nurture It?
There is something of a revolution happening in employment at the moment, as UK workers resign from their positions in unanticipated numbers. A combination of factors has been pinpointed in the now-dubbed “Great Resignation,” but one rises above all others as a significant driver: company …
How to Communicate Effectively With Your Staff
Are your relations with your employees all that they need to be? Are you able to communicate effectively with your workers on a day to day basis? If the answer is less than an absolute yes, you need to take action. Even the most seasoned business owner can benefit from learning modern office …
4 Tips for Steering Your Business Through Difficult Times
It would be nice to think that you're going to lead a charmed life as a business owner, but the truth is that no business sails trouble-free forever. The key in surviving tough times is not in avoiding them altogether--although you certainly should take steps to do that--but in how you prepare for …
7 Signs Your E-commerce Store Is Ready to Expand
At first glance, seeing a period of growth within your online business can be daunting. When you're in a regular routine, the thought of expanding and changing your processes is a lot to take into consideration. However, it's crucial to think about the benefits of moving forward. Pushing your …
How to Grow a Business Online
If you have a closer look at the world of online entrepreneurs, you will notice that they are talking and marketing a lot of the same type of business, with the same services. When you log into your social media, you will see many entrepreneur friends selling podcasts, running ads, building funnels, …