As online business models continue to evolve, entrepreneurs are looking for new revenue models that will allow them to scale up operations faster, maximize profitability, and guarantee a successful exit. If you plan to launch your own digital startup, take a look at some of the revenue models below, …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
Five Ways An Accountant Can Save Your Business Money
Saving money is essential for individuals as well as organizations as they can reinvest the money they save into other areas. An example of the benefits of saving money is that you will have additional finances that you can spend on the staff to keep them motivated and productive. You can offer …
5 Ways to Save Your Business Money with Shipping
If your shipping plan is not well developed, you may end up paying more for shipment and losing a lot of your profits. As such, service delivery in your business can be affected, causing you to lose some critical customers, and if your company does not request larger shipments, it can be hard for …
Is PayPal Gearing Up For Bitcoin?
Last week, PayPal announced two new vacancies that set the cryptocurrency world alight with rumors about the finance giant’s plans. These posts appeared in addition to the eight engineering roles already advertised for its Blockchain Research Groups in San Jose and Singapore. Sources quoted in the …
Strategies to Boost Hotel Revenue and Profit
The competition in the hospitality industry is getting fiercer by the day, causing hoteliers to consistently come up with new and innovative ways to increase hotel revenue. To make it easier for you, we have put together some fool-proof strategies that will help you get an edge in the hotel …
How To Improve Your Cash Flow This Year
Coronavirus has caused shutdowns across the world and the country that have largely impacted small businesses, and, on top of that, there have been protests around the country as well, which are also affecting businesses. All of this means that you may be dealing with cash flow issues as a small …