In 2014, over $358 billion was donated to charitable organizations, associations, and causes, $17.8 billion of which was given generously by corporations versus individuals (source: Charity Navigator). This amount represents a 13.7% increase over previous years, which shows that businesses are …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
You Are Finally Making a Profit, Now What Should You Do With It?
When you start a business, your goal is to begin turning a profit as soon as possible, and then to grow that profit as much as you can. That's a fundamental element of capitalism. But there is a story about a dog who chased cars every day until one of them crashed in a ditch. The dog ran to the …
You Can Do More Than Hope it Never Happens to You: Tips for Preventing Employee Fraud
As a small business owner, you may think you are impervious to employee fraud. The carefully developed culture of many small businesses is one of “family.” You don’t steal from your family, do you? Unfortunately, employee theft is a very real problem for small businesses. The Association of …
How One Business Is Challenging (And Changing) the Healthcare Game
A 2014 Small Business Healthcare Survey conducted by the National Small Business Association found that the average small business spends $1,121 per month per employee for health insurance premiums. That equates to almost $37 per day for each member of your staff, an amount that can cripple a small …
Tips for Purchasing an Existing Small Business
Starting a new business from scratch can seem overwhelming. That’s why you may be considering buying an existing business and then giving it your own personal stamp. There are definite advantages to buying an existing business. In most cases, you are buying an established brand, an existing …
How the NFL Makes Money
If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the National Football League is a financial juggernaut. In 2014, the National Football League raked in 7.3 billion dollars, with each of the league’s 32 teams taking home $226.4 million. This was an increase of more than twenty percent from 2013’s …