The Ancient Roman playwright Plautus is credited with coining the phrase: “You must spend money to make money.” Certainly, as a small business owner, you know that to be true. Even with the leanest start-up, there are costs to running a business. The trick, of course, is to earn more money …

Moneying Articles and Interviews (category)
Moneying articles focus on all aspects related to business finance, including budgeting, bookkeeping, pricing strategy, insurance, and more. Since you presumably went into business to make money, knowing how to manage it effectively will help keep you in business and move you toward the profitability you seek.
The Way to Use Credit Cards That They Don’t Want You To Know
Chances are if you are reading this then you already know the dangers of debt. The fact of the matter is that debt is a two edged sword. Debt can cripple anyone if they aren’t careful and some people have even shied away from debt entirely. Having debt can creep up out of nowhere on a person or a …
What Is Key Person Insurance and Why You May Be in Trouble Without It
When you launch a small business, you handle many details. One detail you may have overlooked is key person insurance. In fact, you may not even know what it is. However, key person (sometimes called “key man”) insurance can be an important way of keeping your business up and running in the event of …
How to Increase Your Bottom Line Now
Sometimes the numbers just don’t work. You need that bottom line to increase as soon as possible, like yesterday, but something just isn’t clicking. It happens in every business at some time or another, but what can you practically do? You already offer a great service or product at fair prices. …
Giving Christmas Bonuses: 20 Questions to Consider
Call them Christmas bonuses, year-end bonuses, holiday bonuses, New Year bonuses, or whatever fits your culture. At our company, we call them Christmas bonuses. And this year, with a team that’s larger and more diverse than ever, here are the questions I considered when determining how to go about …
Business Growth Through Buying Rocks
If you’re like most business owners, growing your business is one of your top priorities, but knowing how to go about it is a constant struggle. The concept of business growth is actually a simple one, but too many times people overcomplicate things. I took a recent trip to Kenya, during which I …