No matter how well organized a business is, it will run into its fair share of problems over the course of its lifetime. Solving these problems as they arise is what separates a good business from a truly great one. The more problems that can be solved, the more profitable and efficient a company …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
Startup Going Under? 4 Steps Your Business Should Take to Keep from Drowning
Starting a new business can be incredibly stressful, and financial challenges are common. You may struggle to get recognition from your target audience in a crowded marketplace or to differentiate your business from the competition. Perhaps you are having trouble getting new leads or closing the …
Breaking International Borders: How to Expand Your Business Overseas
A recent survey showed that 72% of small businesses plan to grow their international customer base by 2017, and it’s not hard to see why. Advances in technology have opened up a lot of new opportunities for companies to progress in communication, networking, transactions, and delivery of products …
How to Optimize Workplace Health & Safety
Having a safe and healthy work setting means so much more than just dusting and keeping the place clutter-free, since its primary aim is to protect the health of those working in there. Actually, workplace housekeeping is seen as crucial in prevention of injuries, boosting morale and maintaining the …
What Small Business Owners Can Learn from Apple’s Current and Former Mission Statements
You won’t find an official “mission statement” on the Apple website. If they have one, it hasn’t been made public. But the following statement, which has appeared at the bottom of press releases coming out of Apple since at least 2012, is what most consider to be Apple’s current mission …
Tighten Up Ship: 3 Unexpected Ways to Increase Sales
Savvy business owners will keep a close eye on product inventory, web visit stats, and customer reviews to monitor his or her company progress. When profits drop, the usual suspects are investigated first, including employees, products, and customer service. However, other factors can play a …