With the use of software, different services, and proper workflow, managing your team’s time and attendance can be made easier. You can also enhance your time and attendance solutions for your company’s success and to guarantee your employees are satisfied and well-compensated. With the presence of …
Strategizing Articles and Interviews (category)
The most successful business owners are always thinking ahead. If you are a new business owner, strategizing about mission statements, corporate culture and business plans are things you would be smart to address early on. More seasoned business owners can benefit from articles on everything from setting client expectations to creating a niche for your small business
5 Tips for Holding a Successful Virtual Conference
In the past year, we have been bombarded with ‘virtual’ everything-- virtual working, virtual coffee breaks, even virtual pub quizzes! However, as the COVID-19 virus is set to outlast the pandemic, some of these virtual practices may be here to stay. Therefore, we will take a look at virtual …
The Most Annoying Things Businesses Can Do on the Telephone
The telephone really is an amazing invention, especially when you think that we can speak to people all the way across the other side of the world, and hear them as clear as a bell (Alexander Graham Bell in fact!). It can help connect us to family members, or even call for help - and over the …
Which Industries Have Benefited from the COVID-19 Outbreak?
Despite all the chaos that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, some businesses and industries have been able to use it to their advantage. While hospitality and retail may have had one of the worst years in decades due to the fact that more people than ever were staying at home and only leaving the …
Casino Facts That All Fans of Online Games Must Know
As time has passed, casual gamers have started to view online gambling as nearly synonymous with online games. It should not be surprising since gambling was first mixed up with gaming for the first time back in Grand Theft Auto Vice City. In this game, we could place bets at the Vice Street Racer …
Why Online Casinos are Beneficial to the Environment
Recently, most of the world began turning to online versions of almost everything. You can have meetings, buy groceries, order food, visit the casinospill på nett, and so much more from the comfort of your couch. Governments and societies worldwide, especially in European countries like Norway, …