Virtually every small business will go through up and down periods, but if your company has been failing for quite a while, you need to be proactive in turning it around if you want your business to survive. Thankfully, there are various techniques you can use to get your small business back on its …
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Aid and Extend Your Capabilities with a Virtual Assistant
So your company is growing like crazy and your staff is overworked and unreliable. Maybe you feel like an octopus on roller skates being pulled in a million different directions. To help scale your business and support your team, you have decided to take the leap and hire your first virtual …
Why Earth-Bound Languages May Not Be the First Choice for Online Learners
"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."― Ludwig Wittgenstein. With the world off-limits to us at this time, is the face of language learning changing? As we have sat at home watching Netflix, fans of popular films and TV shows are taking it upon themselves to immerse themselves …
Why We Can’t Hear Our Clients — 3 Ways to Fix the Problem before It’s too Late
I’m often asked how my work as a couple’s counselor prepared me for working with agencies. There’s no question that agencies and clients are in an entirely different relationship than domestic partners, but there are some common blind spots — and one big one is how we hear each other, and how we …
A Small Business’ Guide to Digital Marketing Outsourcing
In the modern entrepreneurial world, marketing is an important aspect that every business should strive to achieve. It helps create brand awareness and generates leads for your business which might later translate to sales. However, using your employees to market your business might not be a viable …
The Growing Business of Mental Health and Why Entrepreneurs Should Care
The COVID-19 pandemic set off a lot of alarm bells for mental health advocacy and how much of an impact our brain has on our physical well-being. Entrepreneurs may have looked over this sector in the past, but new business owners shouldn't ignore the growing business of mental health. So, grab the …