If you oversee the finances of a church, the one thing you should always expect is the unexpected. And when the unexpected happens, it always costs way more than you think. Like a freak snowstorm in the inland area of Southern California that exposed a compromised roof and caused severe water damage …
church budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
Three Steps To Avoiding Financial Disaster In Your Church
I recently read an article in Christianity Today about the fiscal mismanagement of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. It was so disheartening to read that the Seminary ran an average deficit of $6.67 million annually for almost 20 years, depleting its cash reserves. It's …
Improving Staff Compensation Statistics
As an Executive Pastor of Operations, I read a lot of information regarding church attendance and giving patterns. Needless to say, the reports have put me on a rollercoaster ride since the pandemic. Not only does the data seem contradictory sometimes, it can be downright confusing. One report shows …
The Most Important Question To Ask When Building A Church Budget
If you're reading this post, it's most likely because you are part of the financial team at your church. And when it comes to building a church budget, there are so many good questions to ask. Questions like what is a healthy percentage to spend on compensation, facilities, outreach, or operations? …
Better Church Metrics for 2025
During my tenure as the Help Desk manager for a world-leading golf manufacturer, I wanted to know that my team made a difference in accomplishing the company's mission to build demonstrably superior and pleasingly different golf equipment. To that end, I reviewed the best practices of other top-tier …
Church Metrics: Group/Community
Throughout scripture, we see that belonging to a community is an essential part of God's design for us. We can see the blueprint in the biblical account of creation found in Genesis. In Chapter 1, we read that everything that God creates, he declares as good. But something unsettling happens in …