In the business world, constantly trying to increase your profit is the name of the game. Simply put, if your business is not profitable, there’s not much sense in running it. The profitability of your business endeavor will either make you or break you. As a small business owner, you need to …
Customer Retention Articles and Interviews (tag)
Top 5 Startup Challenges and How to Overcome Them
If you’ve been paying attention lately, you probably noticed that more and more people are launching their own startups. That being said, if you have a good business idea, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give it a go as well. However, running a startup can sometimes seem way easier than it …
How To Use Video Marketing In Different Stages of the Buyer’s Journey
People are overwhelmed every day with all different kinds of advertisements and products, and winning over customer has never been more of a challenge. Video marketing is getting to its peak, and soon all companies will have to deal with it if they want to gain or keep their customers. There are …
5 Keys to Setting and Meeting Customer Expectations
Setting and meeting customer expectations is a never-ending process and can be quite the balancing act. Striving to maintain positive relationships with clients results in a more satisfying work environment and greater level of output. Due to advances in technology, customers expect more than ever …
5 Ways to Build Long-Lasting Customer Relationships
Every bit from a new customer helps to build your business. But what’s better than getting a new customer? Turning that first-time buyer into a loyal supporter, who will not only continue to spend money, but will also help spread the word about your product or service. Here are a few tips to help …
Telephone Communication for 21st Century Businesses: Radio Interview with Charlie Fusco of Synergixx
Call centers have a not-so-great reputation with many consumers. Between aggressive telemarketers and foreign-based customer service centers, call centers sometimes do a disservice to the businesses they are trying to help. Charlie Fusco, an expert in call center services, talks with Dean Rotbart of …