When the day comes to open a real brick-and-mortar business' doors, entrepreneurs feel they've accomplished something colossal—and they have! But it's important not to fall into a false sense of security. New businesses face their most challenging period after opening. Common threats capable of …
Customer Service Articles and Interviews (tag)
What Restaurateurs Need to Create a Thriving Business
Running any small business is a challenge, but independent restaurants are the one type of small business most likely to fail with a failure rate as high as 60 percent. Factors that contribute to the difficult nature of operating an independent restaurant include inventory and portion control, a …
5 Essential Tips for Starting an E-Commerce Business that Thrives
The e-commerce market is competitive and rewarding, and it provides business owners with the potential to thrive. If you’re willing to be the type of entrepreneur who spends time setting goals, invests their own money into marketing and advertising, and seeking to always grow, you will see the …
5 Things Every Medical Business Needs to Keep Patients Happy
Patient satisfaction is one of the most important things any medical facility needs to be concerned about. Unhappy patients can end up getting their medical services elsewhere, which is never the goal. With a struggling economy, you may often find you can barely focus on getting through each day, …
How to Make the Most of Customer Interaction
As a business owner, you have a limited amount of time to interact and make a strong impression on your consumer. The level of positive interaction that you deliver can make the difference between making your next sale or closing a lucrative deal. It’s not enough to just be a stellar service, you …
Does Customer Service Still Need a Human Touch?
Technology is constantly altering how we do business. Big data and AI have made it possible to collect and parse through massive amounts of information quickly, allowing businesses to streamline their operations. Businesses like Amazon and Netflix live and die by new technology, as the only reason …