Starting your own business is considered by many people to be the definition of self-reliance. I know this was my first impression of what it’s like to be a small business owner. But as time went on and my experience in business grew, it occurred to me this couldn’t be further from the truth. The …
Cybersecurity Articles and Interviews (tag)
12 Cybersecurity TED Talks for Small Business Owners
As a business owner, you have to keep tabs on everything from your employees and your finances to your online presence. But how well do you keep track of your cybersecurity? If the answer is “not well,” it’s time to rethink your strategy. Why? The amount of cyber threats that can affect a small …
Security Tips for Small Businesses
With the increased digitization of the workplace, project managers need to now be more astute than ever before in terms of cybersecurity. Research shows that cyber crime damage costs are to hit $6 trillion annually by 2021 — and if past statistics are anything to go on, then cyber attacks pose a …
How to Keep Your Business Data Safe From Hackers
Hackers are a big issue in business right now, with plenty of companies experiencing data leaks and denial of service attacks. If you want to keep your business data safe, there are certain steps you need to take. Don’t rely on blind luck or not being targeted – your customers deserve better. Use …
Protect Your Company! 4 Measures New Business Owners Should Take
It’s important that new business owners take protecting their company seriously. There are plenty of people in the world that take great strides in trying to disable new businesses. It’s your responsibility, as a new business owner, to protect yourself, your company, and your employees from …