There’s nothing wrong with being in debt if you’re using the borrowed money to finance a business. As long as you make timely payments, you can keep yourself from going underwater and being hit with a civil lawsuit from creditors and lenders. However, not all businesses do well in managing their …
Debt Consolidation Articles and Interviews (tag)
Techniques for Using Personal Credit to Help Your Business
When you are running a business, it sometimes feels like your work and life are inseparable. They are intertwined, but you can separate those parts of your life. And you should. With the financial sector of our society becoming such a force in the American economy, your business can certainly …
Why debt consolidation is a good personal finance strategy
Debt consolidation is a financial management strategy that is becoming increasingly popular all over the US. Indeed, demand for these types of products has become so widespread that a new specialized market has sprung up to meet it. This means that anyone looking to ease their financial woes would …
How Debt Settlement Attorneys Can Help Companies
Knowing When to Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney and How They Can Help Nothing is more challenging than running your own company. There are so many moving parts and potential things that can go wrong. Even with the very best plan of action in place, one event can cause a ripple effect that reverberates …
Unsecured Creditors: Know Your Rights
One of the main roles of bankruptcy trustees when managing a bankruptcy case is to ensure that the creditors' claims are repaid as much as possible before a debtor's debt is discharged. Creditors have the right to a hearing when it comes to liquidating the debtor's non-exempt assets for a Chapter 7 …
Most Inspiring Quotes to Help you Deal with Debt
It's not enough to simply pay off your debts; you need the inspiration to want to do it. Paying off debt is hard and involves sacrifice. It's only going to work if you realize that a debt-free future is possible for everyone. Debt and the dodgier sides of the credit industry rely on you …