Generally speaking, when people want to start a small business, they pay attention to marketing, operations, and advertising matters. More often than not, they tend to forget the legal aspects of starting up a small business, which requires the assistance of a legal professional. Although some legal …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
5 Costs Covered by Workers Compensation
Suffering from a work-related injury or illness can take a significant financial toll on a person. Workers’ compensation is there to ease this burden. Employees can expect to receive benefits for medical coverage, ongoing medical care, lost wages, permanent disability, and funeral costs. Medical …
Fraudulent Injury Claims: Spotting the Signs
An injury claim can help a person get some compensation in case they were injured because of someone else. It’s exactly why some people are so eager to use them. Sadly, others take advantage of the money they might get by making fake injury claims. There’s a lot of money spent on investigating the …
How to Sue the IRS: An Explanation of Tax Litigation
You probably paid so many taxes during your life that you’re sick of them. You’re not alone. Nobody likes to see how much of their income goes to taxes, but it’s just how things go. You might even think about suing the IRS. Can you do this? Well, suing the IRS seems like a hopeless case, but it is a …
Unsecured Creditors: Know Your Rights
One of the main roles of bankruptcy trustees when managing a bankruptcy case is to ensure that the creditors' claims are repaid as much as possible before a debtor's debt is discharged. Creditors have the right to a hearing when it comes to liquidating the debtor's non-exempt assets for a Chapter 7 …
Everything You Need to Know about Accepting Payments Globally
If you want to take your business to the next level, you may be starting to think about how you can accept payments globally. This can be a really lucrative business move as you will open yourself up to a whole load of potential customers; however, it’s not as easy as simply offering your products …