Whenever you buy a car in the United States, you should not forget to apply for designated motor insurance which helps protect you from financial liability in case you, your passengers, and your car are involved in an accident. Today, car insurance is considered a must, however, some states may …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
The Most Common Reasons for Freight Claims and How to Avoid Them
Whenever anything is shipped, there’s a chance it could be damaged or lost. Any number of things can go wrong, and most of the time, they happen accidentally. Regardless of why things happen, there are times when you, or the recipient of a shipment you’ve made, need to make a claim. It’s never …
Creating an Effective Employee Handbook– It’s Not Rocket Science
Any HR department knows the process of creating an effective handbook is no child's play. A lot of decision making, and critical thinking is involved in creating employee handbooks which makes it a dreadful process, but not if you know the right tips to follow throughout the process! A lot of …
5 Ways an Employer May Discriminate and What to Do about It
In an ideal world, an employer would treat everyone fairly and give them the same opportunities, pay, promotions, and respect. However, sadly, it does not always work like that. Many people suffer from discrimination in the workplace, but they may not even realize it. Once they do, they might be …
Why Do Executive Architect Firms Need Indemnity Insurance?
Executive architects are basically supporting architects who support the concept designer. However, all too often, the design element of the job is lost. Instead, many executive architects find themselves carrying out a more technical role, as well as focusing on construction. Building things …
7 Steps to Follow When Selling a Small Business
Every small business owner pours their life into their business as there are a lot of hours, sweat, tears, and sacrifices needed to make a business successful. Knowing all of this work went into building a small business makes it harder to sell a business because, in some ways, it is an extension of …