If you or someone you love gets bitten by a dog, it’s sometimes difficult to know the best thing to do. In most instances, if the dog belongs to someone else, you are entitled to bring a dog bite lawsuit against that individual. However, there are lots of things you’ll need to consider first, and …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
Intellectual Property—The Basics
In today's age of digitized information, ideas are unlimited and accessible for free. This liberty enables you to promote your intellectual properties in the form of books, artworks, logos, trademarks, machines, software, and inventions. In addition to that, through the internet, you can freely …
The Most Common Workplace Injuries and How to Avoid Them
There is never a good time to sustain an injury and getting injured at work is something we all want to avoid at all costs. There are many different types of injuries than can happen in the workplace, from simple trips that lead to a minor injury to more serious incidents which put people out of …
Key Steps in Blowing the Whistle on IRS Fraud
There is nothing wrong with any business trying to lawfully maximize their profits by reducing their tax liability. However, when they attempt to pay less tax than they are supposed to, then other taxpayers have to cover the shortfall, leading to a lot of suffering for all taxpayers. This is the …
How to Avoid Simple Mistakes that Often Lead to Business Disasters
Running a business is far from boring. You never know what is going to happen next, which is exciting, but it can also be daunting, because sometimes things can go so wrong that it puts your business in danger. Often, it is the simple things that cause the downfall of your whole business. Here are a …
8 Essential Tips for Reopening a Bar in the New Normal
In the past four months, the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economy. It has especially been difficult for bars because they are establishments where people gather and close contact between customers is the norm in bars. Bar owners have waited with bated breath for the signal to …