All parties involved in a car accident are likely to suffer some serious injuries as a result of the accident. It stands to reason that these injuries, both physical and emotional, will take time and money to heal. As a consequence, many people who experience a car accident are considering suing or …
Legal Articles and Interviews (tag)
The Purpose of a Legal Transcription Service
Legal transcription is prevalent in everyday situations. In most cases, voice recorders are used to document police station interviews, with subsequent transcriptions serving as formal documentation. A court clerk or reporter usually transcribes the proceedings in a courtroom. It's clear that the …
How to Create a Successful Legal Ops Automation Strategy
Legal operations, or "Legal Ops,” comprises all the business activities, processes, and people that enable an organization’s legal department to focus on core competencies. Today, the role of Legal Ops teams has evolved from traditional core functions—like dealing with risk management or cost …
Managing Workplace Safety for Small Businesses
If you have grown your small business from one woman in the kitchen or one man in the shed to a small team of people, then it can be really hard to catch up with the demands of being an employer. You have always been a solopreneur, right? Employers have to learn how to manage their staff and that …
Online Piracy Insights: Where Is Piracy Occurring?
Maybe you have heard of it before: online piracy. It is the technological way of illegally copying and selling (or giving out for free) products and services of other companies. Originally, online piracy mainly happened with the illegal distribution of copied movies and CDs. People were able to copy …
6 Ways to Keep Your Business Safe from Slip-and-Fall Injury Lawsuits
Is your business safe from slips and falls? According to the National Floor Safety Institute's report, slips and falls constitute over one million emergency hospital visits yearly. At places of business, they account for a significant number of accidental injuries to customers and …