When you start out with your new business, you may not have a lot of money at your disposal. This can be especially true if you have had to pay a rent or mortgage, pay for licensing fees, or for any insurance. Due to this, you may be wondering how you can legally cut some costs without compromising …
Small Business Budget Articles and Interviews (tag)
How Business Owners Can Budget for Property Repairs
As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate. From supervising your employees to paying attention to your budget, there are many things you’ll need to handle to be successful in your chosen industry. One thing that can fall by the wayside when it comes to budgeting is …
Five Ways An Accountant Can Save Your Business Money
Saving money is essential for individuals as well as organizations as they can reinvest the money they save into other areas. An example of the benefits of saving money is that you will have additional finances that you can spend on the staff to keep them motivated and productive. You can offer …
How To Improve Your Cash Flow This Year
Coronavirus has caused shutdowns across the world and the country that have largely impacted small businesses, and, on top of that, there have been protests around the country as well, which are also affecting businesses. All of this means that you may be dealing with cash flow issues as a small …
Having Sense with Your Small Business Cents
When resources are limited, knowing how to make your money stretch to where you need it is a key point to staying financially afloat. When the success of your business depends on it, being able to make sense of your finances is essential. Having a plan of action for any new venture is a must, and …
Freeing Up Your Finances: How to Save Your Business Money
As a business owner, your primary goal is to help your business to grow and earn money; however, you also want to save money as frequently as possible. So, when your company is spending more money than it should be, or you have expenses that are out of control, it's time to sit down and see where …