As the biggest e-commerce marketplace in the US, Amazon is one of the best platforms for sellers looking to make some money off the booming online trade industry. It is estimated that over 3.3 million new sellers have joined the platform since 2017. While that means there are more clicks on the site, it also means more competition for you. That’s why we’ve compiled a shortlist of hacks you can use to up your sales on Amazon.
Put Your Product’s Best Foot Forward
So, you’ve decided to try your hand at selling some of your products on one of Amazon’s many sites, and you’ve just finished setting up an Amazon seller account. Now that you’re on the platform, you need to make sure your product sells, which is easier said than done. With so many sellers vying for the attention of buyers, your product truly needs to shine in order to make any headway in the market. The first step in making sure this happens is ensuring that the images of your product are professional looking. Customers want to buy from sellers they trust, and no one trusts a poor image that looks like it was taken in the parking lot of a Best Buy.
Optimize Your SEO and Product Listing
When you have a bunch of items up for sale, professional-looking images will help your products get noticed. If you haven’t sold a single item, however, chances are that they simply aren’t showing up in enough searches thanks to something called SEO and the Amazon algorithm. So, what is SEO and why is it important?
Think of Amazon as a giant search engine (like Google but for items rather than websites) that has an algorithm to help you search for the item you are looking for, so you don’t need to wade through pages of unrelated items. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of making sure your item gets hits on the site. The main way you can influence your SEO is through making use of the right keywords in your product name and description. The better your description and keywords for your item, the more often it will appear when someone searches for it. Research similar items to your own products to find popular keywords and incorporate them into your product descriptions to hopefully see more hits on your items.
Be Proactive with Your Marketing
You may have your items up for sale on the biggest e-commerce marketplace in the United States but that doesn’t mean you are guaranteed sales. You need to get your products noticed and the best way to do this is to market them well. Whether it’s by taking to social media to share your listings, hopping into the world of forum marketing for niche items, adding your listings to your most recent blog, or even through traditional email campaigns, marketing your items should be your top priority.
Encourage All Feedback and Reviews
There is no better marketing than the words of a happy customer that you’ve already made a sale to, and nothing worse for an online seller than a bad review, so always be proactive with your customers and try to assist them with queries or issues as soon as possible. Once the sale is made you should always encourage your customers to leave feedback and reviews on your listings. Once customers have done that, respond to these reviews in a professional manner.
There are a host of ways you can make money through the many Amazon sites that are available. We’ve listed just a few ways you can help your product get noticed on the platform, but they are just the beginning.
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