If business is booming for you and you’re looking to expand, now might be time to turn your focus to the international market. Now that finding international clients and breaking into the global market appears to be the next logical step, you need to be ready and willing to take risks and throw yourself and your business into the ring.
The more diverse and far reaching your client base and business becomes, the more competitive your business will become. Even if you’re currently struggling for elbow room in your home country, if you can begin to pull in international clients, you’re more likely to survive the local market crush.
If this is the first time you’ve ventured into the world of international clients, then it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed. Here we’ll examine some simple ways you can attract international clients to your business and keep them.
Make Money Easy
In order to attract international clients, you need to make every step of your business relationships easy to manage. From communication and exceeding expectations, to problem-solving and, of course, making the money side of things easy. Sending money internationally can be a long, drawn out process, often putting the brakes on business deals and allowing business relationships to become stagnated. By using an online money transfer company (check out a Transferwise review, here) you can streamline the entire process and keep everyone happy.
Delve into Your Personal Network
You may not have to look very far to uncover international clients. You can make a start by delving into your own personal network and reaching out to those who live overseas or even previous clients that you know work and live internationally. What about your professional friends or previous colleagues? If they have connections overseas then they could put you in touch with those who may be interested in your services. Friends can even recommend you to their professional associates.
Head to International Events
A simple, yet effective way to begin your search for international clients, is by attending international events that are relevant to your business sector: conferences, exhibitions, lectures– even international trade shows. If you know which potential clients might be attending, you can target them specifically on the day. Making a good impression by researching potential business clients will always make your business look good.
Don’t Look too Far
International clients don’t always have to mean different time zones and vast oceans between you. If you want to establish yourself as an international businessperson, then work with neighboring countries first. You may find that due to cultural similarities and the fact that they’re so close, you have much more in common and you’re likely to make a connection. Shorter travel distances also make business meetings much easier for both of you.
Final Thoughts
For your business to succeed internationally, you’re going to need determination, grit, and perseverance. You should also get a strong portfolio together as soon as possible, and show professionalism and dedication to your prospective business dealings by hiring a translator.
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