When it comes to social media content, videos make it easier for brands to tell a story. They’re simply more engaging, more memorable, and more impactful compared to pure text or even colorful visuals. Creating video content also helps boost your search engine rankings and helps you engage with more mobile users, who now compose a huge chunk of consumers.
In short, if you haven’t thought about creating recruitment videos for your brokerage, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. It’s true that creating video content for talent acquisition can seem a little challenging at first; however, all it takes is a little bit of practice. The helpful tips listed below can also guide you in making effective recruitment videos.
Keep It Short and Sweet
People have short attention spans, which have been made even shorter thanks to the wealth of content on the internet. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your recruitment videos short and sweet. Ideally, you shouldn’t go over three minutes. This duration is long enough to say the things you want to say without boring your audience. (Do note that there are instances when longer videos are ideal, such as when you’re giving detailed instructions.)
Keep It Real
There are certain situations when you have to adhere to a template simply to make processes easier and more streamlined. For example, it’s likely that your brokerage sends multiple emails per day. By following templates (Brokerkit has a guide for email templates do’s and don’ts), you can free up a lot of time to spend on other tasks.
The main issue with templates for videos is that you run the risk of sounding robotic and repetitive. These are two characteristics that you don’t want to be associated with your brokerage, through your content. If you’re making a recruitment video, use a template only for the outline or structure. You’ll need it anyway to keep your video short but informative. For the script itself, however, keep it real. Adopt a conversational tone so it’s easier to establish rapport. Humor is also a good element to incorporate, but be sure not to overdo it.
Feature Other Faces
It’s almost a no-brainer that the person in charge of recruitment should be the one to appear in a recruitment video; however, this can quickly get boring for your potential new hires. To add variety and to keep your viewers interested, it’s a good idea to feature other faces in your videos. In particular, try to feature real estate agents. Ask them questions that potential recruits might want to know the answers to, such as the reasons why they love working at your brokerage or what made them decide to join.
You can even do a “day in the life” type of video where you join an agent on their typical work day a la documentary. The key is to have unrehearsed conversations. Encourage honest answers and don’t follow a strict script. You can cut and edit the footage later on to refine the presentation.
Craft Enticing Captions
Adding a caption to your video is a must, especially for the sake of searchability. A well-crafted caption can also entice people to actually click and view the video. You have to be careful about it, however. Don’t give too much away. You want your caption to be engaging and informative but it should also leave something to the imagination. Don’t describe everything in the video through the caption because you still want them to watch the video. Instead, find that perfect balance between intriguing and clearness.
Ask Questions and Use Them for Content
Remember that you’re making recruitment videos for job seekers. Thus, the content should be relevant to them. As a recruiter, you likely already have an idea what real estate agents want; however, there may be specific matters that candidates want to know based on their experience level. Thus, it still pays to ask them exactly what they want.
Use social media to conduct simple surveys and ask questions. Then, use the responses to craft new video content. You can also try out the live ask-me-anything video format so you can answer questions as they come.
Include Calls to Action
Instead of fading to black to end your video, include a call to action. Let them know what you want them to do after watching, whether that’s to sign up to a newsletter or visit your website for more information. Be clear and concise. Another tip is to limit your calls to action to just one or two per video. You don’t want to overwhelm your potential recruits or bore them with too many tasks. If you need them to do multiple actions, create separate videos for them.
With how the dynamic the real estate landscape is nowadays, you need to also be as dynamic in your recruitment efforts. One way to do this is to expand your content through videos. Keep in mind the tips above to help you get started in creating effective recruitment videos for your brokerage.
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