In the areas with the strictest stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 crisis, it seemed that almost daily you would hear new stories about businesses shutting down. After months of trying to hold on, there were many businesses that just couldn’t afford to pay their mounting bills any longer and were forced to permanently close their doors. Mom-and-pop shops that had been around for decades were suddenly gone.
On the other hand, you probably also heard about businesses that were doing more business than ever—most notably, online companies like Amazon. The company saw record profits and started hiring new employees at an astounding rate.
However, it isn’t just online giants like Amazon that are seeing increased business since the pandemic came to the United States. Some smaller businesses are also seeing increased sales.
San Diego replacement window company BM Windows is one of those companies. Owner Michal Bohm said, “We were prepared for sales to slow way down when the pandemic first started, but they never really did. In fact, sales actually increased. Others that I know in the home improvement industry had a similar experience. I think with the stay-at-home orders in San Diego, people finally found the time to take care of those home improvement projects they had been putting off.”
Some of BM Windows’s success can be credited to the groundwork they had been laying for years. In other words, BM Windows was well-positioned when the pandemic hit. The business had a great reputation on sites like Yelp and Facebook, with hundreds of positive customer reviews and glowing testimonials. They also sit at the top of the Google search results pages for many of the most popular searches in their industry.
According to Bohm, this comes from many years of providing excellent service, and also from investing heavily in digital marketing over the years. So, when people were stuck at home, and started Googling things like “San Diego replacement windows,” BM Windows was one of the first results they saw. When they went to Yelp and searched for the most highly rated replacement window companies in San Diego, they found BM Windows as well.
The increased business hasn’t come without its challenges, but again, Bohm was well-prepared to face them. He has his own dedicated team of window and door installers who have been able to keep up with the high demand.
Bohm explains,
Other replacement window companies in our area have chosen to outsource the installation of the windows they sell. This means that the people doing the window installations may not be trained specifically in this type of work, but are more general construction workers. Our crews, on the other hand, are highly trained in window and patio door installation. They know exactly what to do and how to do it efficiently. A job that would take another company two or three days takes our crews less than one day to finish.
Another thing Bohm did when the pandemic first hit was communicate with current and potential customers. He let customers know, through his company’s website and social media pages, what safety measures they were taking and how the pandemic would affect their processes. A link to BM Windows’s COVID update was prominently posted on their home page, so it was easy for customers to determine what the company was doing in response to the pandemic. Bohm said, “Good communication is always key in business, but in times of uncertainty, it’s especially important.”
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