Apple is a company like no other. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Apple has made a permanent impact on society, technology, and business. Nothing can change that. And perhaps their biggest contribution has been how those three sectors merge and interact with one another. After all, we don’t use computers, listen to music, or make a phone call like we used to, and Apple has very much to do with that.
So, wouldn’t you expect a business leader, a giant among giants, to have a killer mission statement? After all, mission statements are often a cornerstone from which attitude, purpose and direction are derived. So what’s the Apple mission statement? Well, according to Google, it’s actually just this rather boring statement …
“Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store.”
Yep, “Apple designs Macs”. Not the opening punch you were expecting from the mission statement of a word-wide, trend-setting company, is it? It’s not what I was expecting when I went on a search to find their mission statement.
The reason I make the point of saying “according to Google” is that I have so far been unable to confirm Apple’s mission statement. Search as I may, I cannot find anything official from Apple themselves that clearly identifies their current mission statement. We talk a lot about mission statements and vision statements here at Businessing. In fact, these are some of the most popular articles in the entire publication. And for good reason. Mission statements are important. And although we are small business focused, it’s often useful to look at what major brands are doing. So it’s natural to wonder what Apple’s mission statement is.
In the case of Apple, I don’t think their mission statement offers much inspiration for us small business owners, or even for consumers. Far be it from me to question the reasons why Apple does what they do. After all, their global impact speaks for itself. So, when it comes to Apple’s mission statement, let’s just say, I don’t get it.
For Reference:
Multiple websites from Investopedia to Business Insider confirm that this is Apple’s mission statement. Some even link to the investor relations page on Apple’s website for reference. But I can’t find anything on Apple’s website that officially lists their mission.
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